Animation is thriving around the world. 'Freej', the highly popular animated TV series produced and directed by Mohammad Harib in the UAE for the entire Arab world was a pleasant discovery for me. I had also been hearing a lot about an up and coming animated series called The 99 - with a concept and name in reference to the 99 names of Allah. My AWN newspaper came in the mail today and wallah - the news about this project has finally reached the general animation audience.
I had heard rumors that Mohammad Harib is not only involved but is the person heading the animation team for this project. However I didn't notice his name anywhere in the article - credit is given to Dr. Naif Al Mutawa. Also, there is no mention of the concept of '99' being derived from the 99 names of Allah. It is not mentioned in this article and probably wisely so. Instead, focus is given on the execution of the concept of 99 'global values' (global values??) in the form of superheroes. Yerks! I hope they do it well.

I can't wait to see glimpses of the animation. It looks like it is being done with a huge budget and support. The comic clearly has connections with artists from Marvel and DC Comics both in the writing aspects and art. According to the article, the comics are distributed widely throughout the Middle East, Indonesia and South Asia. I personally haven't seen anything of the sort, although I have heard people buzzing a bit. The 99 will soon make its debut on millions of water bottles (?) licensed by Nestle Waters. To top this all, the first of six 'The 99' theme parks is due to open in Kuwait early 2009. Man. If only Pakistan had Arab money to invest in something as big as this.
Feel free to add whatever you know or have heard about the 99 in the comments of this post.
You can read the entire article online
HERE. The official website for the 99 is